
Special thanks to Fortune City for increasing the maximum size of a file that can be placed on their site. The StarCraft desktop themes are once again available for downloading.


These desktop themes were designed to work with Windows 95. If you use 98 or NT you may need to manually make some adjustments.


Terran Theme
This file is 2,279,374 so it may take a while to download. Once you have it downloaded, unzip the file to C: and be sure to have it create the directories stored in the zip. Once the unzip is complete, you should have a Terran subdirectory in the themes directory.

Now go to "Start" / "Settings" / "Control Panel" and then click on "Desktop Themes". You should now have a Terran(high color) theme to choose from. If you want, save your current desktop settings as "MyDesktop" or something like that. That way if you don't like this desktop theme you can easily switch back to yours.

















These maps are available for everyone to download. They are placed here specifically for those individuals that wish to play on the DorkLords UT server. By downloading ALL these maps in advance and placing them in your "\UnrealTournament\Maps\" folder you prevent download of the maps during gameplay.


CTF-Hall of Giants
409KB zipped
1611KB unzipped
This is an excellent map on a grande scale. Low gravity and motion accelerators make covering the wide open expanses quick. And if you thought the sniper rifle could hit anything, you'll discover there is a limit to it's range.
1124KB zipped
3796KB unzipped
This orbital space station has all your basic elements of a good CTF map. Weapon placements are good and multiple paths to the opponents flag make it more difficult to choke the approach.
817KB zipped
2805KB unzipped
This map is based on the opening sequence of the Unreal Tournament CD. The approach to the flag is difficult and some weapons are hard to find. The open streets make for excellent sniper zones if you can find the rifle.

















counter Last Update
02/02/00 22:30